Scholarship application deadline is April 11, 2025!
John E. Frenkel, Sr. Educational Grant
The Pensacola Interstate Fair, Inc. is dedicated to the betterment of the community through education. For 2025-2026, the John E. Frenkel, Sr. Educational Grants Selection Committee has been authorized by the members of the Pensacola Interstate Fair, Inc., to provide Thirty Thousand dollars ($30,000).
These monies will assist twenty-five (25) students in the completion of their studies at a college or university of their choice. To date, over one million, three hundred eleven thousand ($1,311,000) dollars have been awarded to more than one thousand, three hundred seventy-two (1,372) grant participants.
General Conditions
All grants will be allocated to graduating High School Seniors of Escambia and Santa Rosa counties who, during their high school years, have been competing entrants in the areas listed in the Fair Premium Catalog, or volunteers with at least ten (10) documented hours of assistance as designated by Fair staff.
Twenty (20) grants will be for one thousand two hundred fifty ($1,250) dollars each, made payable to any accredited college or university.Five (5) grants will be made available and payable to qualifying vocational schools.
All grants are one-time only and non-renewable. It is the desire of the Pensacola Interstate Fair, Inc., to assist as many students as possible through grants provided each year. Hence, all grants are for one-time only and students receiving grants may not re-apply for a second time.
All grants are non-refundable.
All grants are for one (1) year only, beginning Fall Term, 2025 and ending with Summer Term, 2026.
All grants are for the purpose of defraying costs of tuition and books at any post-secondary educational or vocational institution of the applicant’s choice. It must offer acceptable Technical/Health/Academic programs leading to certificates, associate and baccalaureate degrees. In addition, grant monies can be used to purchase required computers through the school purchase program.
Grants are not based on personal need or high scholastic achievement, but rather on the evaluation made by the Committee as to his/her potential for success in attaining career goals.
All unused grants or portions thereof must be returned to the Pensacola Interstate Fair, Inc.
Grants, may not be transferred from one college to another during year of eligibility.
Finalists will be selected during the fourth week of April, 2025.
Checks for college and university students will be mailed to their chosen Financial Aid office by mid to late July, 2025.
All grants adhere to the provisions of the Equal Opportunities Act. Applications must be submitted no later than April 11, 2025. Please call Jamie McDonald at (850) 944-4500 for further information.
How Can I Apply?
Download the application by clicking the link below.
Applications should be mailed or submitted in person at our main office, 6655 W. Mobile Hwy, 32526.
If you choose to mail the application, please use our mailing address at:
Pensacola Interstate Fair 2172 W. Nine Mile Road, PMB 210 Pensacola, FL 32534 Attn: Fair Scholarship
Scholarship History
For many years The Pensacola Interstate Fair has generously provided unrestricted educational funds to the Pensacola Junior College and to the University of West Florida. During 1983-84 a special grants program was initiated. These grants were restricted to members of Future Farmers of America, 4-H Clubs and Future Homemakers of America who were graduating high school seniors and who, during their senior years, had been actively involved in the presentation of exhibits, projects and displays during the Fair. It was a sincere attempt to reward those who had contributed so much to the success of the Fair each year and who wished to continue their educational experiences with the assistance and encouragement of the Pensacola Interstate Fair. The program was well received and several young men and women were able to complete their first year of college as the first Interstate Fair Educational Grants Recipients.
1984-85 marked the 50th year of the Pensacola Interstate Fair, Inc. which had grown from its humble beginnings in 1935 to a position of prominence and importance through-out the United States. To properly celebrate this Golden Anniversary event, the members of the Pensacola Interstate Fair, Inc., through the approval of its Board of Directors, substantially increased funds providing for a large number of grants available for 1984-85, broadened the base to include students heretofore ineligible to apply and created several new categories to assist students pursuing undergraduate and graduate programs at Pensacola Junior College and at the University of West Florida.
As a special and most appropriate tribute to the Founder, former General Manager and late Chairman of the Board of Directors, the additional funding was used to establish the JOHN E. FRENKEL, SR. – Educational Grants Program in honor of his lifelong dedication to education, his outstanding contributions to our community and his many years of devotion and leadership to the Pensacola Interstate Fair, Inc.